Scientific Committee

Prof. dr hab. Paweł Łuków

Professor of philosophy and ethics. He is the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland, where he chairs the Department of Ethics, and the Center for Bioethics and Biolaw. He works as an ethics expert for domestic and international institutions. Most recently, he has been appointed to serve as Member of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies. He has published on I. Kant’s ethics, bioethics, and philosophy of medicine. His current research focuses on human dignity and human rights in bioethical regulation and policy-making in a democratic society, equal access to health care, the ethical and legal status of the human body in transplant medicine, protection of human dignity and vulnerability in biomedical research, and ethics education of medical professionals.

Dr hab. Tomasz Żuradzki

Tomasz Żuradzki is an associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, and the director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics at Jagiellonian University. He leads the project BIOUNCERTAINTY funded by a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant and supervises seven projects cofunded by Maria Skłodowska-Curie programme (Horizon Europe). He works as an ethics expert for international institutions and is a member of the editorial board of the journal Diametros, and the editor-in-chief of the popular science journal Filozofia w Praktyce. He has published on metaethics, practical ethics, and philosophical bioethics and his is current research also concerns moral psychology and new methods in bioethics.

Prof. dr Darko Trifunovic

Prof. dr Darko Trifunovic is a full-time professor in research and he is a founding member and Director of the Institute for National and International Security. Dr. Trifunovic is Editor in Chief of the “Security Science Journal”. Prof.dr Darko Trifunovic was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Public and Individual Security - Apeiron, Krakow, Poland. At the same time, dr Trifnovic was elected as a visiting professor at the University of Sent Kliment Bitola, Faculty of Security Studies, Skopje, N.Macedonia. Dr. Trifunovic was elected as a guest professor at FUDAN University – Center of American Studies, Shanghai, China. Dr. Darko Trifunovic is a Research Professor at FUDAN University Institute of BRI Strategy and International Security. Dr. Trifunovic is an Adjunct Professor at the Shanghai Academy of Social Science and coordinator for Research. Dr. Darko Trifunovic is fully employed at the Faculty of Security Studies at the University of Belgrade. Prof. dr Darko Trifunovic is a guest professor at Matej Bel University, Faculty of Political Science, Slovakia, and a Senior Researcher at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. He is a Senior Advisor at the Research Institute for European and American Studies, Greece, Athens. He is a specialist in Security Studies, Intelligence & Counter-Intelligence studies as well as Counter-Terrorism, National, and International Security studies. He is a former diplomat (First Secretary of the Foreign Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the United Nations). Dr.Trifunovic was the official delegate in Rome in 1998 during the diplomatic conference when the International Criminal Court was established. Dr. Trifunovic is the representative for Serbia and Montenegro of the International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA); Defense & Foreign Affairs publications; and the Global Information System. The Shanghai Center for International Studies appointed him as the first foreign expert for the Olympic Games (2008) security preparation in China. In 2010, he is engaged in World Expo Security preparation. Prof. dr Darko Trifunovic is one of the founding members of the International Counter-Terrorism Academic Community (ICTAC). He has published many academic books and articles. Prof. Dr. Darko Trifunovic received the highest military award of the Military Security Agency of Serbia - the Great Golden Badge.

Mónica Cano Abadía, PhD

Moral and political philosopher. In 2014, she obtained with honors her PhD in Philosophical Studies from the University of Zaragoza. In addition to her MA in Philosophical Studies (2010), she holds a second MA in Secondary Education Teaching (2017), with a specialization in the pedagogy of ethics and political philosophy. She has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies – South East Europe (University of Rijeka), and at the Section of Political Philosophy (University of Graz). She is currently working at BBMRI-ERIC providing ELSI (Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues) support to the biobanking community, and she is a lecturer at the master's programme in Interdisciplinary Women´s and Gender Studies (University of Graz). Her current research foci include gender and ethics of AI in biomedicine.

Prof. Elsa González Esteba

Associatet Professor -tenured- of Moral Philosophy (ethics) in the Department of Philosophy and Sociology. Universitat Jaume I, Spain. Her research work focuses on the field of applied ethics and systems of governance and ethical management in organisations. She is member of the Research Group on Practical Ethics and Democracy. She is the author of more than 50 specialised works published in national and international articles and books, and has participated continuously in national and international projects financed by public bodies as a researcher. She is currently principal investigator and coordinator of the EUROPEAN HORIZONTE 2020 project: ETHNA System (Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres) as well as the Ministry of Science and Innovation project: "Ethics applies reliability for artificial intelligence". He has also developed an intense work of knowledge transfer to the social and economic spheres through various projects, as well as collaborations with institutions, including his current participation as a member of the Public Ethics Commission of the Basque Government since January 2022 and of the Ethics Committee of the Social Services of the Valencian Government since February 2023. Finally, since 2003 she has held management functions, becoming deputy editor of the journal RECERCA. Revista de Pensament i Análisi.

Isidoros Karatzas, PhD

Head of the Ethics and Research Integrity Sector, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation, Biochemist and Psychologist by training. He has been a "Science" Programme Research Fellow (precursor to the Marie Currie Programme). After joining the European Commission, he was responsible for the evaluation of the Framework Programmes where he set up the European Network on RTD Evaluation. Consequently, he managed the risk governance research file and was the scientific secretary of the European Research Advisory Board (EURAB), a Commission high-level advisory body dealing with research policy and priorities. Currently, he is the head of the Ethics and Research Integrity Sector in DG Research and Innovation. As head of the sector, he established the self-assessment and ethics advisors methodology as well as advanced training courses on research ethics and research integrity for Commission staff, the research ethics experts community, early carrier researchers and for national and European professional associations. He has set up the first European system of ethics audits and checks and has led the efforts to produce specific guidelines on ethics in research. With his team initiated the efforts to update and publish the new European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and prepared and implemented the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe research ethics appraisal process.

Ralf Lindner, PhD

Head of the Department Policy & Society and Coordinator for Technology Assessment and Governance at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. He has participated in, managed and coordinated numerous large national and European research projects in the field of science, technology and innovation policy and governance. He is particularly interested in policy design and governance approaches for transformative change, mission oriented innovation policy, responsible research and innovation, and processes of policy learning. Additional research interests include the analysis of diffusion and adoption processes of emerging technologies, particularly ICTs, and Internet-based communication and interaction processes, particularly e participation and e-democracy. Ralf Lindner received his degree in political science and economics from the University of Augsburg, completed graduate work at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver) and post-graduate studies at Carleton University (Ottawa). From 2011 to 2013 Dr Lindner held a chair in Political Science at the Quadriga University Berlin, where he also was head of the Department of Politics and Public Affairs. In 2018, he was appointed to the Regional Forum for Research and Innovation advising the Government of Lombardy on its innovation strategy.

Ineke Malsch, PhD

Director of Malsch TechnoValuation a consultancy in technology and society. She graduated in Physics and holds a PhD in Philosophy. Her thesis was on international multistakeholder governance of nanotechnology. Under the tradename EthicSchool, she offers training in Responsible Innovation. In the EU-funded project RiskGONE ( she is responsible for ethics including the development and testing of guidelines and online tools supporting ethical impact assessment as part of the Risk Governance framework for nanomaterials. In the International Networking Initiative on Safe and Sustainable Nanotechnology (INISS-Nano), she leads the pillar on “International collaboration on ethical and societal aspects of nanotechnology”.

Prof. dr Piera Di Martino

Full professor in Pharmaceutical Technology and Cosmetology at the University of Chieti and Pescara (Italy), she coordinates the research of her group in both the academy and a small research company. Director of a second level Master degree in cosmetic science, she is author of more than 100 publications in peer reviewed Journals and the coordinator/person in-charge of 8 European H2020 research projects.

Merle Ojasoo, PhD

Merle Ojasoo, Ph.D, is Associate Professor at Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) in the School of Business and Governance, teaching Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Change Management. Her main research and project interests are CSR and ethics of the environment social, governance aspects (ESG). She has published several scientific articles and has participated in various conferences. She serves as a member of the editorial board and referee for many journals and conferences. Merle Ojasoo has been involved in many international teaching and research projects. She has conducted numerous training and consulting activities on ESG issues, new EU sustainability regulations and related reporting frameworks.