Ethics by design ’22
Conference organizers
The Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw is one of the leading centers for philosophical studies in the region. In addition to classical philosophical teaching, the Faculty offers courses of study in Cognitive Science, Bioethics, as well as a philosophy program conducted in English. It also offers doctoral and postgraduate studies
In the course of philosophical studies students acquire thorough knowledge of the history of philosophy as well as of the current state of research in various philosophical disciplines. Moreover, they also have the opportunity to learn about the general issues of the humanities and the basic philosophical issues in science.
Cognitive Science is a free-of-charge full-time study programme – three-year bachelor’s studies in Polish and two-year master’s studies in Polish. The studies are interdisciplinary, combining such fields as psychology, computer science, philosophy and neurobiology. First-cycle studies are conducted by the Faculty of Philosophy in cooperation with the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw.The curriculum includes a wide range of specialization courses as well as the possibility of participating in internships and research projects. In addition to broad theoretical knowledge, students gain practical skills in programming and data analysis. Special importance is attached to the practical applications of the acquired knowledge (psychological, IT, methodological, linguistic).
Bioethics students acquire broad, interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of ethics and philosophy, law, sociology, anthropology, and political science. We provide innovative interactive teaching methods and internships. Classes are taught in Polish or English. Most of the classes are seminars, tutorials and internships which prepare future graduates for using the acquired knowledge and skills in practice.
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The Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Organisation and Management in Industry „ORGMASZ” work with public institutions, private companies, as well as non-governmental organizations and provide them with expert knowledge about the effects of introducing new technologies. By doing so we wish to support citizens, public administration, and businesses in their decision making. We strive to limit risks and increase the benefits of technology development to society and the economy. Our aim is technological social responsibility.
We invite public institutions, private companies, and non-governmental organizations to develop together from scratch a new and unique research institution that combines research challenges with informal organization culture and a public mission as found in the best government institutions. Working with us gives you a chance to meet experts on new technologies and accomplish your research projects. We guarantee a friendly work environment, a chance to expand your network, inspiring coworkers, and a workspace in our office in Warsaw city center.
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