Knowledge Co-creation
Coordinating the process of acquisition of research and development projects (obtaining funding) carried out jointly with foreign and domestic scientific centres and universities by intensifying the preparation of applications for research grants and intensifying the activities of the Lukasiewicz Research Network in the field of cooperative, consulting, participatory and scientific publication-oriented research.
Coordinating the process of submitting project proposals in international EU Horizon calls and tenders (as a leader or member of a consortium).
Working out (together with Lukasiewicz Research Groups) an effective model of developing technological solutions within Łukasiewicz Programs.Coordinating the scanning and mapping EU Horizon calls of relevance for Łukasiewicz Network; call decomposition, defining key features, mapping destinations, and outcomes.
Managing the team responsible for the Knowledge Co-Creation process, including funding opportunities mapping, project acquisition, building consortia, and support for proposals writing).
Managing, preparing, and implementing ambitious research projects (EU Horizon).
Supporting ŁRN Institutes in the process of applying for European and international proposals, together with foreign and domestic Research Centres and Universities.
Streamlining research services.